The Time is Always Now. Striped insights is all about Connectedness. It’s about inspirations and associations from the realm of philosophy, the arts, music and the colourful richness of our fellow animals. Being alive is more than surviving. It is about being present. In the moment.

Connectedness is Tema con Variazioni, includes experiences as physical beings, in communication with non-human beings. It extends beyond verbal communication.

Of course this can't be a monologue. It's about exchange and different points of view. Apart from short text inputs, I will set up guest contributions, audios, small interviews with people of different backgrounds, and their thoughts on the topic.

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It's all about connectedness: about the ability to be present and the awareness of not being alone in the living world.


As animal studies philosopher and hypnotic life coach I explore the various possibilities of communication entangling different sources of knowledge.